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Apple Watch

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Four months later – I was wrong about the Apple Watch Ultra

Four months after my initial review of the Apple Watch Ultra, a lot has changed in my opinion about it; many of the issues that first bothered me have turned out to not be so bad. At the same time, there are also features I thought were great, but have ended up being more cumbersome than useful.

I want to set the record straight – below are six reasons I was wrong about the Apple Watch Ultra.

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Strava’s year-end data shows the hot new sport this year is walking

Strava just released its year-end review with heaps of interesting data on its 95 million subscribers around the world. While the data is obviously specific to Strava users, with a data pool that large, it does shed some light on how people are exercising during yet another tough pandemic year. One big surprise: The new hot sport this year is walking.

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