
Avatar for Bradley Chambers

Bradley Chambers

Bradley Chambers

Bradley lives in Chattanooga, TN where he manages Apple devices for a private school.

Tips, feedback, corrections and questions can be sent to

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Christmas Gift Guide: The best gifts for Peloton and connected fitness fans

Whenever it gets under 100 days to Christmas, my mind starts thinking about the season. I love everything about Christmas, but one of my favorite things is taking some time off work and getting in longer workouts. If you’ve got a Peloton fan in your life or even just looking for some recommendations, here’s the CTW Christmas Gift Guide for Peloton and connected fitness fans

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[Update: Now available on Bike] Peloton begins testing new ‘Skip Intro’ button on the web

Update 10/12/20: Peloton has now added this functionality to a few Bike members. To unlock the ‘Skip Intro’ function, you must have completed at least five classes in that particular workout type.

Peloton appears to be adding a new feature that has been requested by members for quite a while. A “Skip Intro” button appeared on workouts done on the Peloton website earlier today.

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