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Bradley Chambers

Bradley Chambers

Bradley lives in Chattanooga, TN where he manages Apple devices for a private school.

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Peloton files theft claim against ICON, which claims retaliation for patent dispute

Earlier this fall, ICON filed a lawsuit against Peloton over its patents relating to key features of Bike+: the swivel screen and the auto-follow technology used to change resistance during a class. ICON’s basis is that it was issued a patent for the auto resistance feature in 2007 and the swivel screen in 2019. Peloton has now filed a lawsuit against ICON claiming it tried to steal its advertising plans from a contractor.

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Peloton promotes Thanksgiving Virtual Turkey Trot on Peloton Digital

On the official company blog, Peloton is promoting its 2020 version of a virtual Turkey Trot.

In a year where many local Turkey Trot races might be temporarily off the schedule, it’s a tradition that we’re determined to keep going — Peloton style. We love how holiday races bring communities together and are a near-and-dear tradition for so many. That’s why we’re bringing you our very own virtual Turkey Trot for 2020, for everyone to join this year!

If you aren’t familiar, a “turkey trot” is a usually 5k race/fun run that takes place on the morning of Thanksgiving. Most of the people in the US who participate in one do so to burn a few extra calories ahead of a large meal for Thanksgiving. Turkey Trots are also usually kid-friendly as many include a 1-mile walk or other kid-focused activities.

On Thursday, November 26 at 6 a.m. ET, Peloton will be adding two audio-guided Turkey Trot classes to its on-demand library: 

Accessing the runs will require the Peloton digital app, but if you aren’t a member you can have 30 days free access to get started.

Before you head out, make sure you’ve got plenty of flat running space to get started, and most of all, have fun. The classes will assume you’re running straight away from your starting location and will inform you when it’s time to turn back.

CTW’s Take

Virtual Turkey Trots are going to be very popular this year with the COVID-19 pandemic forcing the cancellations of almost all in-person races, so it’s smart of Peloton to capitalize on this to drive digital subscribers, which are a lead generation tool for its hardware

KrowdFit announces new cash-back wellness incentive program


KrowdFit​, the enterprise cash-back wellness incentive program in the US and Canada, has released a rewards program for individuals. Unlike traditional wellness programs that focus on granting prize money for weight loss, KrowdFit rewards its users with cash every Monday for engaging in daily wellness activities, such as mindfulness, healthy sleep, steps, food logging, and physical activity.

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