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Bradley Chambers

Bradley Chambers

Bradley lives in Chattanooga, TN where he manages Apple devices for a private school.

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[Update: Now available to purchase] Amazon Halo review: a great passive health tracker

Amazon Halo

Update: Amazon Halo is now available to purchase without requesting an invite. Nothing has changed of my opinion from the original review.

The health and wellness industry has been something Apple has been focusing on for several years with the Apple Watch. After the first version focused on apps and communication, Apple pivoted in the following years toward the Apple Watch, becoming the ultimate fitness tracker by adding GPS, new workout types, ECG monitor, and much more. Amazon is relatively new to the health and wellness industry as a first-party product. While Amazon sells several fitness items, it has not branched out into a first-party connected fitness device until the Amazon Halo. I’ve been wearing the Halo for the first month, and I am finally at a place where I understand what the product is and what it’s not.

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Apple Fitness+ vs. Peloton digital: Which service is best for workouts in 2021?

Apple Fitness+ was unveiled at Apple’s September Apple Watch event, but a specific arrival date wasn’t shared. It’s now been announced that the personalized fitness service based around Apple Watch will be available on December 14. If you’re looking to add in a new workout routine for 2021, you might be asking which service is best: Apple Fitness+ vs. Peloton?

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