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Aviron expands with gamified treadmill and loadable dumbbells

Aviron, a company known for integrating gamified workouts and entertainment into home fitness, is broadening its product lineup with the introduction of a new treadmill and loadable dumbbells. These new additions build on Aviron’s connected fitness ecosystem, including the Strong Rower and Fit Bike, offering more options for those looking for engaging home workout solutions.

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Aviron Fit Bike review – better than Peloton?

The Aviron Fit Bike may be the most innovative exercise bike released since Peloton first released its bike many years ago. Considering its highly adjustable ergonomic set-up, the innovative electromagnetic resistance design, and focus on game-based workouts, there is no other bike that feels quite like this.

Is the Aviron Fit Bike better than Peloton? That will likely depend on whether you prefer games or instructor led classes. But for those who do prefer games, with its consumer friendly membership, and huge assortment of options, Aviron feels like the much better choice.

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Aviron Go Rower review – has the Concept 2 met its match?

While there has been a ton of home rowers released in recent years, all of them have struggled to address the same question: why choose it over the Concept 2 rower which for many years has been considered to be the gold standard of rowers?

However, that question may have finally been answered with the recently released Aviron Go Rower. Not only does the design of the Aviron Go make rowing more accessible, looks better inside a home, is more stable when stored upright, and makes much less noise, but it is also much closer in price (currently $1,299) to the Concept 2 Rower than any other high-quality connected fitness rower.

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Peloton, Hydrow, Aviron, and more – important rower updates in 2023 [Video]

Last year, we put together an in-depth comparison for eight of the most popular rowers. These included the Peloton Row, Hydrow and Hydrow Waves, Aviron Impact and Aviron Strong, Ergatta, NordicTrack RW900, and the classic Concept 2.

Already in 2023, there have even several major updates to the rowers for many of these brands. New workout options have been added, new third-party integrations, and even a new rower model! Watch the video below to get the full scoop!

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Peloton Row vs Concept 2 vs Hydrow (and more!) rower comparison

Today we are going to be comparing just about every popular home rower available. From the brand new Peloton Row to the classic Concept 2, as well as the Hydrow, Hydrow Wave, Aviron Strong, Aviron Impact, Nordictrack RW900, and Ergatta Water Rower!

I’ve rowed over 1,000,000 combined meters this year on these rowers. Here are my thoughts on how they compare and my suggestions if you are looking to get a rower for your home.

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