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Therabody announces new massage gun, compression boots, and more

Today, Therabody has announced five new products that will soon be joining its growing ecosystem of science-backed, high-tech recovery products. This includes a brand new Sleep Mask, 2nd Generation of SmartGoggles, Theragun Prime Plus, JetBoots PRO Plus, and JetBoots Prime. These are now available for pre-order, and are expected to start shipping within the next two weeks.

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Muse launches 2nd gen. S headband that offers non-pharmaceutical sleep support

sleep headband

Neurotechnology and meditation company Muse recently announced the launch of its second-generation Muse S headband for sleep support. This headband is a non-pharmaceutical alternative that uses real-time biofeedback to help you fall asleep and stay there. Should you wake up, the new Muse S now offers “digital sleep pills” to gently fade out its audio and cue your brain that it’s time for sleep.

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Pluto custom pillow review plus exclusive interview with CEO Susana Saeliu

Pluto Pillow

When you think of health and fitness products, a custom pillow is more than likely not the first thing that comes to mind, but perhaps it should be? These days, most health and fitness experts can agree that plentiful and effective sleep each evening is vital to a healthy lifestyle. That’s where Pluto Pillow can help.

I had a chance to try out a Pluto Pillow, custom-made to match my body type, sleep habits, and comfort preferences. To gain more perspective on how important your pillow is to a healthy night’s sleep and daily function, I was also able to interview Pluto co-founder and CEO Susan Saeliu.

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