This week we went hands-on with PR Lotion by AMP Human (who recently merged with Momentous). PR Lotion is a sports lotion that delivers sodium bicarbonate directly to your muscles via your skin.
If you have not heard of the natural electrolyte sodium bicarbonate, you may recognize it by another name: baking soda. Sodium bicarbonate has been long proven as a strong performance enhancer, and unlike other electrolytes, it is able to neutralize the acid buildup in our muscles when we are pushing hard in a workout or athletic event.
Now you might be wondering: If bicarbonate works so well to improve your performance, why don’t all athletes take it?
Well, as someone who experimented with taking bicarbonate for my own athletic endeavors in the past, I will tell you why. Before PR Lotion, you had to take bicarbonate orally. Which if you were foolish like me, you would pour a whole lot of baking soda into a glass of water and down it. That is not a fun experience! In fact, it is one of the worst-tasting things I’ve ever forced myself to consume.
Now the better method is to take bicarbonate in pill capsules, which many athletes do. But there is still a very big problem. You ever see a video of what happens when you mix Coke and baking soda? Here’s a great video if you haven’t. Now the same thing does not exactly happen in your stomach, but it sort of does to a smaller degree. Oral consumption of bicarbonate can lead to some pretty significant GI issues.
I know for me, my stomach would get very extended, which would make it hard to perform at my best (even though I was able to push harder with less fatigue).
Well, PR Lotion solved this issue. With this lotion, you are able to get bicarbonate into your muscles, without having to digest it through your stomach. So you get the performance benefits without the terrible bloating, and GI issues.
Watch our Youtube video above to see Kayli and me put PR Lotion to the Test in our 1K Row Calibration Test with the Ergatta Rower!
Buy PR Lotion here (15% off!)
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